College Planning

Virtual Opportunities with Colleges and Universities

We highly recommend that students take advantage of the virtual opportunities colleges are offering. Participating in virtual tours, virtual information sessions, and opportunities to connect with members of the admissions team can provide a strong overview of academic offerings and student life.

It is our recommendation that you check college websites regularly for updates regarding campus events and re-openings. If you have the opportunity to visit a college campus, many institutions have counselors who represent your high school, so it is wise to call ahead and meet with them so that you make yourself known as an interested applicant.

If visits remain virtual throughout the fall, we recommend that you contact your admissions representative to introduce yourself and ask any questions you have. Don’t be shy! Remember, they are looking for students to fill their seats. You need to let them know you exist!

Take note of how you feel when you are participating in virtual tours or, if possible, walking around campus. If you have the chance, connect with professors about your academic interests. Keep an open mind about academic programs and opportunities. Remember to take notes and ask questions of current students when you have the opportunity! If you are able to get on campus, use a camera or your cell phone to take pictures and evaluate the facilities.

Following a visit, whether it’s virtual or in person, remember to record your feelings and observations. It is easy to forget details, especially if you are researching many schools, so a notebook or special folder for this purpose is beneficial. Remember to make the college search as much fun as your final destination.